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Archive for: July, 2020

Informative Materials – APPLE project

Dear visitors, We are very happy to share with you important materials developed within the APPLE project – eArly warning Platform to Prevent youth from dropping out of schooL Education. Firstly, the Leaflet of the project is dedicated to topics such as: the purpose of the project, how Apple...

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Informative Brochure within the 40 Challenges project

Dear followers, We kindly invite you to consult our representative Brochure developed within the 40 Challenges project. You will discover relevant aspects regarding the overall objective of the project as well as the training system of the 40 Challenges project focused on improving the skills of entrepreneurs coolsport. Our...

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Third Newsletter within Emotional Emplyment project

Dear visitors, The CPIP team is very delighted to share with you our third Newsletter developed within the Emotional Employment project. If you are interest to find out important details about the third partners project meeting in Dublin, Ireland as well as what are the next steps in this...

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