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Archive for: October, 2023

International training event within the CGC project

Our team had the privilege of participating in an international training event that expanded our expertise and understanding of working with young people prone to criminal behavior. The training, held from October 23rd to 26th in Antaliepte, Lithuania was conducted beyond the scope of the “Convicts: Growing of Competencies”...

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The third learning activity organized under the Well Project

V. osnovna skola Varazdin was our host between 3-5 of October 2023 in Varaždin, Croatia for the third learning activity organized under the Well Project „The Welcoming Environment for Leading and Learning”. The project, co-funded with European Commission support and coordinated by Město Otrokovice, will upskill school leaders, representatives...

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Invitație eveniment deschidere program Young Service Steward

Stimate/doamnă/domnule, Avem plăcerea de a vă invita la un eveniment special organizat de către CPIP – Centrul pentru Promovarea Învățării Permanente, dedicat prezentării implementării în România a proiectului YSS – Programul Young Service Steward. Evenimentul va avea loc în data de 29 septembrie 2023, la Hotel Atlas din Timișoara....

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