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Author: Samuel Bogdan


Stimați profesori, Vă invităm să încurajați elevii dumneavoastră să participe la un webinar interactiv, unde vor putea descoperi mai multe informații despre proiectul smARt și beneficiile pe care acesta le oferă tinerilor pasionați de știință, tehnologie, inginerie și matematică (STEM). Mai mult, vom povesti despre cum aceștia pot lua...

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Hybrid Mystic Project Final Conference ‘FIXING WHAT’S BROKEN’ Empowering Young People to Shape the Future

The MYSTIC project consortium is pleased to invite educators, youth organizations, youth groups, young people and other stakeholders to join us at the final conference of the MYSTIC project. This EU-funded initiative has been dedicated to addressing youth exclusion and creating sustainable futures through innovative pedagogy and experiential learning....

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Strengthening Professionalism in Correctional Services: PRISGRADS Workshop in Vienna

From November 12th to 14th, 2024, Vienna hosted a significant workshop event under the framework of the PRISGRADS project: “Mentoring Graduates into Careers in Prison.” This event, dedicated to the recruitment, training, and professional development of correctional staff, brought together experts and professionals from across Europe to collaborate on...

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Music4Freedom’s Fourth Training Activity

From October 22-25, Timișoara hosted the fourth Music4Freedom training activity, focused on “Training among operators on the implementation of professional music production studios in prisons.” This event, facilitated by CPIP, gathered all project partners to explore the setup, management, and educational impact of prison-based music production studios. During the...

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PROTA Learning and Trainig Activity for prison educators

The (2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000090209) PROTA project held a highly impactful learning and training activity between September 24-26, 2024, in Herpt, Netherlands, with adult educators from partner countries gathering to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and refine their skills in prison education. Each partner country was represented by two adult educators, ensuring a...

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AI4AL Final Event at the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2024 in Madrid on 17 October!

It’s time to register for joining us in our final workshops during the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2024: Summit of Engaged Digital Citizenship in Madrid on 17 October!!! A unique opportunity to get a hands-on experience of the tools and resources developed within AI4AL project (under the coordination of European...

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INTREP project – Multiplier Conference in Romania

CPIP organized in June 2024 the Multiplier Conference in Romania with 35 participants. The profile of the participants met the requirements of the INTREP project being: Adult and community teachers and educators Trainers in adult education Adult learners Entrepreneurs Volunteers Policy makers Representatives of different NGOs, cultural institutions Representatives...

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MYSTIC immersive development and training programme

By successfully completing the online course, professional youth workers, volunteers whose role involves working with young people with fewer opportunities, and young people interested in working with youth have joined our team between 24-28 June in the MYSTIC immersive mobility programme hosted by FUNDACAO ADFP – ASSISTENCIA, DESENVOLVIMENTO E...

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Join the PRISGRADS LinkedIn Group!

Working in European prisons and interested in staff recruitment and development? What innovative strategies is your prison using to recruit, train, and motivate uniformed staff? How are you adapting to new challenges within your local labor market realities? PRISGRADS, an Erasmus+ Vocational Education Small Scale Partnership, invites you to join our...

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Crowd Sourcing W(e)-Democracy Platform

Got a Brilliant Idea? We Want to Hear It! Are you passionate about sustainability and innovation Our We-Democracy crowdsourcing platform is dedicated to discussing and finding innovative solutions for a circular economy! Share your ideas Collaborate with like-minded individuals Make a real impact on the environment and on e-democracy...

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