”NECESINI – A new chance for social-inclusion of inmates” project helped to improve the practical knowledge and skills of the inmates through a non-formal education program in the area of producing dry fruit, vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants, giving them the chance to become small agriculture producers and providing them new opportunities on the labour market.
Using the European Union co-financing, in recent years the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme has focused on the solutions to the key challenges from the border region in various fields like labour mobility, health, social and cultural inclusion, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources or improved transport and mobility services.
As part of a very strong family of Interreg programmes, with a history of 30 years, the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme adapts to new global challenges. Therefore our Programme proposes to celebrate European Cooperation Day online in 2020 by watching together a video that mirrors the vision and the results of our common challenges, opportunities and goals.