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CPIP Dissemination Event: Promoting European Initiatives and AI4AL Project

On October 21, 2024, Centrul pentru Promovarea Învățării Permanente (CPIP) organized an impactful dissemination event in Timișoara, Romania. The gathering brought together over 60 participants from across the country, representing a diverse range of stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and professionals dedicated to advancing adult learning and education. The primary objective of the event was to showcase CPIP’s extensive portfolio of European initiatives and projects currently under implementation. Covering multiple areas of expertise, CPIP’s work spans across innovative methodologies, digital education, inclusivity, and professional development. The event provided a comprehensive view of these projects, emphasizing their relevance and impact on various educational sectors.

A highlight of the event was the introduction of the AI4AL (Artificial Intelligence for Adult Learning) project. Participants were given an overview of the project’s vision and its potential to reshape adult education by enhancing digital competencies and promoting sustainable learning approaches.

The event was not only an opportunity to disseminate information but also a space for collaboration and dialogue. Participants engaged in discussions about how European projects like AI4AL are shaping the future of education. Feedback from attendees highlighted the importance of such initiatives in empowering educators and fostering innovation in learning.

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Insights from the AI4AL Project final conference at the ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2024

The 2024 ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT, themed “Summit of Engaged Digital Citizenship,” brought together educators, policymakers, and digital rights advocates to explore the transformative role of AI in adult learning. Hosted in Madrid by ALL DIGITAL in collaboration with Fundación Esplai and Plataforma Redconecta, the event also served as the final conference for the AI4AL project. AI’s potential within adult education was a central theme, addressing not only technological innovation but a transformation of educational practices. Through the AI4AL project, over 60 educators from across Europe were engaged in focus groups, training, and surveys to shape tools and resources that meet real needs in adult education. Insights from these sessions highlighted both excitement and caution among educators, underscoring the necessity of integrating AI tools that complement rather than compromise the human elements of education.

One of the most exciting discussions highlighted AI’s ability to close educational gaps for marginalized groups. By offering new opportunities to individuals facing barriers such as socioeconomic challenges, disabilities, or exclusion, AI holds immense promise. However, the summit also stressed the critical need to address bias in AI systems to prevent perpetuating existing inequalities. The summit featured three interactive workshops showcasing key outputs of the AI4AL project: AI4AL Matching Tool, Engagement Kit and Self-Paced Training Path for Educators.

Participants underscored the importance of decentralized AI to empower local communities and create systems that reflect the diversity of adult learners. By involving the adult learning sector in shaping AI, the summit advocated for technology that serves all individuals equitably and inclusively. The ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2024 stood as a testament to the power of collaboration in harnessing AI for education, ensuring that digital transformation remains a tool for empowerment and inclusion.

Further details about our European initiative

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Hybrid Mystic Project Final Conference ‘FIXING WHAT’S BROKEN’ Empowering Young People to Shape the Future

The MYSTIC project consortium is pleased to invite educators, youth organizations, youth groups, young people and other stakeholders to join us at the final conference of the MYSTIC project. This EU-funded initiative has been dedicated to addressing youth exclusion and creating sustainable futures through innovative pedagogy and experiential learning.

This will be a milestone event addressing youth exclusion and fostering sustainable development through innovative learning! For more information about the MYSTIC project, please visit our website at

We look forward to your participation as we culminate our efforts in shaping a better, inclusive future for youth through the MYSTIC project!

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Strengthening Professionalism in Correctional Services: PRISGRADS Workshop in Vienna

From November 12th to 14th, 2024, Vienna hosted a significant workshop event under the framework of the PRISGRADS project: “Mentoring Graduates into Careers in Prison.” This event, dedicated to the recruitment, training, and professional development of correctional staff, brought together experts and professionals from across Europe to collaborate on innovative solutions in the justice sector. The event marked an essential step toward building a European network of dedicated correctional professionals. It emphasized the power of collaboration and innovation in addressing new challenges in the field of justice.

We were privileged to be joined by representatives from Penitenciarul Timișoara and Centrul Educativ Buziaș, whose participation enriched the discussions with valuable insights and practical expertise.

Key Highlights from the Three Days:

  • Interactive Learning Sessions: Participants engaged in dynamic sessions and group discussions focused on exploring innovative training methods and competency-based approaches for mentors working in correctional environments.
  • Visits to Exemplary Institutions: A visit to Korneuburg Prison and the Austrian Prison Service Academy offered participants an up-close look at best practices in recruitment, training, and the operational frameworks of modern correctional facilities.
  • Collaborative Working Groups. Participants collaborated in small groups to: Identify core competency areas for mentors, Develop targeted questions to assess these skills, Explore effective strategies for evaluating and integrating these competencies into training programs.

This event was not just an opportunity to learn but also to create meaningful connections and lay the groundwork for continued innovation in correctional services. The PRISGRADS project partnership is proud to lead these transformative efforts, and we thank all participants for their dedication and contributions to advancing the field of justice.

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Music4Freedom’s Fourth Training Activity

From October 22-25, Timișoara hosted the fourth Music4Freedom training activity, focused on “Training among operators on the implementation of professional music production studios in prisons.” This event, facilitated by CPIP, gathered all project partners to explore the setup, management, and educational impact of prison-based music production studios. During the three-day training, the consortium discussed key topics essential for establishing successful music production programs within correctional facilities:

  • Configuring Music Production Labs in Prisons: Partners discussed technical requirements and logistical organization, drawing insights from those who have implemented similar programs in various prisons. The sessions covered essential aspects, such as equipment setup and security protocols, for creating fully operational audio labs within correctional facilities.
  • Managing a Professional Music Production Studio in Prisons: Building on partner contributions and shared experiences, the group explored effective management strategies for these studios, focusing on the necessary protocols and methods to ensure safe and productive environments.
  • Optimizing Training Paths: Participants collaborated on refining training content, methods, and tools for youth workers and young inmates involved in music production. This session included group activities to revise and optimize the training curriculum based on current data and feedback.
  • Pedagogical Approaches for Inmate Integration into the Music Industry: A metaphorical activity invited participants to reflect on the “bridge” and “gap” between inmates and the music industry, featuring case studies and diverse approaches from consortium partners.

At the national level, we are proud to collaborate with Penitenciarul Timișoara to bring these innovative tools to life. As part of the training, we visited the music production lab implemented at the penitentiary, gaining firsthand insights into the program’s setup and impact on participants.

The Music4Freedom project exemplifies the power of creative skills development in rehabilitation, offering inmates a valuable bridge to self-expression and future opportunities in the music industry.

Music for Freedom is co-funded by Erasmus+ Program, Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù – AIG 2022-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000089929 and coordinated by Arci Liguria

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PROTA Learning and Trainig Activity for prison educators

The (2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000090209) PROTA project held a highly impactful learning and training activity between September 24-26, 2024, in Herpt, Netherlands, with adult educators from partner countries gathering to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and refine their skills in prison education. Each partner country was represented by two adult educators, ensuring a diverse and collaborative environment where insights and expertise were shared.

This event marked another important step forward in the mission of the PROTA project: enhancing the education of offenders and ex-offenders. By providing educators with the tools and resources needed to deliver high-quality training, PROTA is empowering prison educators to make a real difference in rehabilitation efforts across Europe.

Throughout the event, partners participated in collaborative workshops, exchanged best practices for training prison educators. These sessions were crucial in aligning the project’s goals with the practical realities of teaching in prison settings.

One of the core focuses of the event was hands-on training, aimed at equipping educators with the ability to use the PROTA platform and tools effectively. The platform, designed specifically for prison educators, includes tailored courses and resources to improve the quality of education offered to offenders and ex-offenders. Educators learned how to integrate these tools into their teaching methods, offering a more engaging and effective educational experience. In addition to workshops and training, participants engaged in insightful discussions about the ongoing development of educational materials within the PROTA project. Suggestions for improvements and innovative ideas were shared, contributing to the ongoing refinement of the project’s outputs.

The Herpt training event was a key milestone in the progress of the PROTA project, reinforcing its commitment to providing prison educators with the resources they need to succeed.

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AI4AL Final Event at the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2024 in Madrid on 17 October!

It’s time to register for joining us in our final workshops during the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2024: Summit of Engaged Digital Citizenship in Madrid on 17 October!!!

A unique opportunity to get a hands-on experience of the tools and resources developed within AI4AL project (under the coordination of European Association for the Education of Adults – EAEA) to empower adult educators with AI skills:

  • Engagement kit: Get equipped with a sound methodology for mindful adoption of AI technologies in adult education.
  • AI4AL matching tool: Learn how to use an AI-based tool matching the skills of your learners with training offers and job profiles.
  • Self-paced learning path: Get empowered to integrate AI in your daily practices.

And what’s more: Enjoy the amazing atmosphere of ALL DIGITAL Summit, a three-day premier event full of knowledge and insights on the latest developments in digital education and training!

Read more and register here:

Check out the whole summit programme here:

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INTREP project – Multiplier Conference in Romania

CPIP organized in June 2024 the Multiplier Conference in Romania with 35 participants. The profile of the participants met the requirements of the INTREP project being:

  • Adult and community teachers and educators
  • Trainers in adult education
  • Adult learners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Volunteers
  • Policy makers
  • Representatives of different NGOs, cultural institutions
  • Representatives of Municipality etc.

The purposes of the national conference in Romania were to:

  • Provide detailed information about the project aims, scope, consortium, methodology and project results
  • Organize and deliver a practical session on the usefulness and adaptation of the project results
  • Promote networking, exchange of practices and establish future cooperation with participants and organizations
  • Explain and introduce the benefits of the INTREP e-Learning Campus and INTREP Web App
  • Provide live demonstrations on how to use the INTREP e-Learning Campus and INTREP Web App

Many participants appreciated the professional and well-organized atmosphere of the conference. One attendee noted that “the event was extremely well structured, with a clear and strictly adhered to agenda.” Learning campus and web app, but also to inspire and motivate participants to adopt new learning methods and actively engage in their own professional and personal development.

Thanks to the national INTREP conference the participants and participating organizations built valuable connections, leading to professional growth, new collaborations, and knowledge exchange. Exposure to innovative, entrepreneurial and inter-religion ideas resulted in new initiatives directly benefiting target groups. Insights and data shared at the conference informed policy and decision-making processes. The conference significantly impacted participants, organisations, target groups, and other stakeholders by fostering knowledge exchange, professional growth, collaboration, and informed decision-making, which ultimately benefited the broader community.

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MYSTIC immersive development and training programme

By successfully completing the online course, professional youth workers, volunteers whose role involves working with young people with fewer opportunities, and young people interested in working with youth have joined our team between 24-28 June in the MYSTIC immersive mobility programme hosted by FUNDACAO ADFP – ASSISTENCIA, DESENVOLVIMENTO E FORMACAO PROFISSIONAL (Fundação ADFP) in Miranda do Corvo and delivered by ASSOCIACAO GODINHELA -INVESTIGACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO.

The MYSTIC immersive development and training programme introduced young people in an environment that encouraged them to explore new horizons, think out of the box and co-design innovative action research projects to benefit their communities.

The immersive residential mobility programme incorporated interactive workops, case-based practical exercises and an ‘outward bound’ experiential activities to challenge participants and get them to think out of the box including hiking, mountain biking and cultural events. The daily IRP activities were designed to guide participants through a dynamic day of exploration, collaboration and reflection: case studies to motivate discussion, collaborative problem-based exercise, group exercise analyzes the experience of the day, its challenges and lessons learned.

MYSTIC immersive mobility programme brought young people together in Portugal training hub, to train as Community Leaders, collaborate in teams, and with youth workers, to design joint solutions to community problems. Skills and solutions then transferred to home communities to be further developed in Community Labs!

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Join the PRISGRADS LinkedIn Group!

Working in European prisons and interested in staff recruitment and development? What innovative strategies is your prison using to recruit, train, and motivate uniformed staff? How are you adapting to new challenges within your local labor market realities?

PRISGRADS, an Erasmus+ Vocational Education Small Scale Partnership, invites you to join our private LinkedIn group! This space is dedicated to sharing and exchanging ideas on recruitment, training, and professional development of prison staff. Let’s collaborate to promote staff wellbeing, encourage retention, and advance our rehabilitative mission.

 What to Expect:
– Insights and discussions on innovative recruitment strategies
– Shared experiences and interviews on effective training programs
– Ideas for professional development to enhance staff motivation
– Networking opportunities with prison professionals across Europe

Please also fill in our survey on mapping recruitment, training, and mentoring of graduate staff:

Together, we can develop new, standardized, and transnational approaches to address common recruitment challenges. 🌍

Find out more: and connect with us in this group or via email at

Let’s build a stronger future for Europe’s prison services!

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Crowd Sourcing W(e)-Democracy Platform

Got a Brilliant Idea? We Want to Hear It!

Are you passionate about sustainability and innovation Our We-Democracy crowdsourcing platform is dedicated to discussing and finding innovative solutions for a circular economy!

  • Share your ideas
  • Collaborate with like-minded individuals
  • Make a real impact on the environment and on e-democracy

Together, we can create a greener, more sustainable future.

Join us today and be part of the change!

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The Final Learning Activity of “The Well Project” in Zlin, Czech Republic

The last learning activity within “The Well Project,” focused on strategic management and evaluation in education, was successfully organized from May 21-23, 2024, in Zlin, Czech Republic.

We had the honor of being joined by representatives from:

  • Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Timiș
  • Liceul Teoretic Recaș
  • Liceul Teoretic “Coriolan Brediceanu” Lugoj
  • Colegiul National C.D.Loga Timisoara – pagina oficiala
  • Liceul Teoretic „Grigore Moisil” Timișoara

Each day was dedicated to specific activities that contribute to our mission of upskilling school staff to create safe, welcoming, and caring learning environments. Our key activities included:

  • Visit to City Hall, School Management Department: We engaged with local officials and explored the intricacies of school management at the municipal level.
  • Overview of the Czech Education System: We received comprehensive insights into the Czech education system, with a particular focus on strategic planning, human resources, and leadership evaluation.
  • Visits to Schools: Our participants visited various schools, meeting with school counsellors, teachers, and students to understand their practices and challenges.
  • Observations During Lessons: We observed classroom sessions and discussed the possibilities for international cooperation to enhance educational experiences.

This event was a culmination of our efforts to empower educational professionals and foster environments where students can thrive. The insights and experiences shared during this activity will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on our work. Stay tuned for more updates and follow our journey as we continue to improve educational practices across Europe!

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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YSS Project – Closing Webinar

The countdown is on! Just a few days left until the end of the month and the conclusion of the Young Service Steward Program funded by the EEA Norway Grants, Fund for Youth Employment and implemented in Romania by the CPIP-Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente.

Save the date for our closing webinar on January 30, 2024! All project partners will join to showcase the project’s significance and its successful implementation at each national level.

Curious about the topics covered? Find out more below!

This free event will be conducted in English.

Registration link:

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EIFNEG project training activity

This week our team participated in the training activity within the EIFNEG project „EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR NEW EUROPEAN GENERATION: Emotional Intelligence as a Basis for the Educational and Personal Development of the New European Generation” organized in Cordoba, Spain and hosted by Colegio Séneca S.C.A.

The full training aimed to test the practical activities and tools that were developed in the project:

Result 1 – THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT MENU, the premises of Colegio Séneca S.C.A. were visited and public and private sector personalities related to education were invited to share their experiences and actions to incorporate emotional education in the curriculum.

Result 2 – CHOOSING THE BEST INGREDIENTS, sociologists, psychologists and teachers were invited to share about their experience in developing training programmes and curricula.

Result 3 – THE COOKING AND THE FINAL TOUCH, coaches and facilitators present their views and practical examples of implementing tools and resources in the classroom to work on emotional intelligence.

In conclusion, the training in Cordoba was a pivotal moment in the EIFNEG project, bringing together theory and practice, and fostering collaboration among educators and professionals dedicated to shaping a generation empowered with emotional intelligence.

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Final Conference #PreventGBV organized by our team

‘#PreventGBV: Early prevention of gender-based cyberviolence for young people in conflict with the law in juvenile justice systems’

Face to face or online: 03 november 2023 // 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Venue: Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre, Rue Du Midi 135, 1000 Brussels

The #PreventGBV project, co-financed by the CERV-2021-DAPHNE Programme of the European Union, seeks to prevent gender-based cyberviolence in young people in conflict with the law. To help them identify and prevent this violence, training and awareness materials have been produced in order to conduct workshops.

During the Conference, numerous professionals and experts will talk about different aspects of gender violence in the digital realm and its relationship with education and juvenile justice. In addition, the results and materials of the project will be presented.

The Conference will also feature the participation of young people who will talk about their collaboration with the project.

Check the complete programme for this event!

This event is free of charge. Register here!

More about the project:

We would be grateful if you could share this event with your contacts who may be interested in attending.

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International training event within the CGC project

Our team had the privilege of participating in an international training event that expanded our expertise and understanding of working with young people prone to criminal behavior. The training, held from October 23rd to 26th in Antaliepte, Lithuania was conducted beyond the scope of the “Convicts: Growing of Competencies” project and provided a valuable opportunity to enhance our skills in this field.  

The collaborative efforts at the national level enabled us to be joined by representatives from the Probation Service of Timisoara. Their presence enriched the training’s perspective and added a valuable dimension to our learning experience. The training was designed for youth workers who are currently involved or may potentially work with young people who are at risk of engaging in criminal activities. The primary focus of this international training was to broaden our competencies in working with young people prone to criminal behavior. 

We received invaluable theoretical insights into understanding individuals prone to criminal behavior and an overview of the methods that should be adapted when working to enhance the social skills of young people at risk of criminal activities. 

This training event was a significant milestone in our journey to develop competencies for working with youth at risk of engaging in criminal activities. 

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The third learning activity organized under the Well Project

V. osnovna skola Varazdin was our host between 3-5 of October 2023 in Varaždin, Croatia for the third learning activity organized under the Well Project „The Welcoming Environment for Leading and Learning”. The project, co-funded with European Commission support and coordinated by Město Otrokovice, will upskill school leaders, representatives of school boards, school founders, municipalities, school inspectorate and other institutions active in education in creating a positive school environment where all pupils´/ students´ needs and talents are recognized and supported.

The focus of this three-day event was to delve deep into the third project result which comprises a methodology that aims to equip school leaders with practical, proven, and user-friendly methods for planning, management, and cooperation to contribute significantly to the creation of a more inclusive and welcoming learning environment.

Distinguished representatives from schools and educational spheres in each partner country, namely the Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania, and Ireland, were active participants in this enlightening activity. Their collective goal was to engage in sessions that revolved around crucial themes such as school counseling for well-being, the restorative power of mindfulness in nature, and the integration of formal and informal practices that involve being in and connecting with the natural world.

The event was further enriched with specialized workshops, each addressing key topics vital to holistic education. These workshops explored the “Alphabet of Feelings,” delved into the delicate issue of mental health, and examined the art of mindfulness, with a special focus on educating the whole child, gradually and in sync with their evolving needs at various stages of growth. One of the highlights of this endeavor was the exploration of how teachers can learn from their students.

During this training activity we collaborated with school counselling staff from Centrul Judeţean de Resurse şi Asistenţă Educaţională Timiș, but also with enthusiastic students actively involved in other projects implemented by our team!

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Invitație eveniment deschidere program Young Service Steward


Avem plăcerea de a vă invita la un eveniment special organizat de către CPIP – Centrul pentru Promovarea Învățării Permanente, dedicat prezentării implementării în România a proiectului YSS – Programul Young Service Steward. Evenimentul va avea loc în data de 29 septembrie 2023, la Hotel Atlas din Timișoara.

Programul Young Service Steward reprezintă o abordare integrată pentru sprijinirea tinerilor în dezvoltarea lor personală și profesională, iar CPIP implementează cu succes acest proiect în 4 locații din România, oferind sprijin tinerilor din mediul rural.

Vă invităm să vă alăturați nouă pentru a afla mai multe despre acest proiect și pentru a discuta despre importanța dezvoltării personale și profesionale a tinerilor. Agenda evenimentului este următoarea:

10.30 – 11.00: Înregistrarea participanților și welcome coffee

11.00 – 11.30: Programul YSS: abordare, rezultate și experiențele implementării

11.30 – 12.30: Identitate profesională și sensul muncii – proiecție film documentar “Meserii cu Rost”

12.30 – 13.00: Dezbatere și discuții de grup

13.00 – 14.00: Închiderea evenimentului și prânz

Pentru a vă înregistra la acest eveniment, vă rugăm să completați formularul disponibil la următorul link: până miercuri, 27 septembrie.

Pentru orice întrebări sau clarificări, vă rugăm să contactați persoana de contact Maria Toia, coordonator proiect YSS Romania, la adresa de e-mail:

Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă avem alături de noi la acest eveniment important pentru comunitatea noastră.

Cu considerație,

Echipa CPIP – Centrul pentru Promovarea Învățării Permanente

Programul Young Service Steward beneficiază de un grant în valoare de € 1.240.618 din partea Islandei, Liechtensteinului și Norvegiei, prin Fondul de granturi EEA și Norvegiene pentru ocuparea forței de muncă în rândul tinerilor.

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Third training activity within the Music4Freedom project

From 11/09 – 14/09 all members of the project consortium participated in the third activity, this time hosted by aufBruch KUNST GEFÄNGNIS STADT in Berlin, Germany!

The three-day training event was dedicated to creating training modules for music and hip-hop production adapted to the prison context. Several prisons were visited and an intensive exchange with experts took place.

The presentation of the results of the hip-hop workshop in Berlin’s juvenile detention centre, led by rapper Aisha, was also on the programme, as well as a study visit to the musical theatre event “Arturo Ui” by aufBruch in Tegel prison. The results of previous trainings and research were evaluated and the possibilities of setting up music production workshops were examined. The EFA also presented the research results and provided the starting point for WP3, the creation of training modules. Etic provided an overview of the possibilities of setting up digital systems for music production in prisons, and Asturia led the discussion on prison regulations and their adaptability to new technologies.

Prisoners who participated in various aufBruch workshops (Winterreise film workshops, theatre, creative writing workshops, HipHop) presented their views on their artistic projects.

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Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity for the INTREP project was successfully organized

From June 13th to 15th (2023), the Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity for the INTREP project „Fostering Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Intercultural and Interreligious Context” was conducted in Istanbul. The project aim is to foster social innovation and entrepreneurship in intercultural and interreligious contexts.

The activity was incredibly productive, and we are grateful to our host T.C. İSTANBUL VALİLİĞİ Avrupa Birliği ve Dış İlişkiler Bürosu (TR) and project partners for their engagement: Le Monde des Possibles (BE), INFODEF Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training (ES), La Bien Pagá Espacio Escénico (ES), IASIS NGO (GR), CPIP Romania – Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (RO), Innoquality Systems (IE).

This training activity consisted of a staff training course to train project partners on the results and methodologies developed within the project.
For three days, staff from partner organisations were trained on how to transfer and apply the project resources during the piloting phases to be carried out with adult and community teachers and educators and adult students.

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The final conference organized within the NOVA project


Host organization: Social Innovation Fund (Kaunas, Lithuania)

To make known and visible what we have achieved during the project implementation period, all four NOVA (Project number 2020-1-LT01-KA227-ADU-094751) intellectual outputswere covered during the conference and each member of the project consortium shared valuable insights about their contribution and project’s relevance in the field of cultural and creative sector.

All project tools and results were presented in attractive way using innovative interactive methods of moderation, participants being invited to discuss how project results can be applied in practice.

We encourage you to follow us and explore our website and get inspired by our work!

Attendess from different background were involved in the conference:  members of cultural and creative organisations, public bodies working in the field of the culture and arts, managers from adult education organisations, adult educators, representatives of the associated partners, and other stakeholders like representatives of employment services, employment agencies, social services departments, small business associations.



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The second learning activity organized under the Well Project

Agrupamento de Escolas João da Silva Correia was our host between 26-28 April 2023 in Sao Joao da Madeira for the three day event of the second learning activity organized under the Well Project „The Welcoming Environment for Leading and Learning”. The project, co-funded with European Commission support and coordinated by Město Otrokovice, will upskill school leaders, representatives of school boards, school founders, municipalities, school inspectorate and other institutions active in education in creating a positive school environment where all pupils´/ students´ needs and talents are recognized and supported.

To achieve this, our journey in organising learning activities in each partner country continues! By organising learning activities, we are providing a wide range of support materials, including a methodology that will collect best practices from partner countries and create a website as a source of information and inspiration.

Representatives of education sector from Romania (schools and school inspectorate from regional level) joined the event to increase quality in the work, activities and practices.

During the three days of interactive activities, reflection sessions and sharing of interesting experiences, all activities were focused on the visibility of middle management in Portuguese schools and its autonomy. In addition, we visited the Municipality, meeting with the mayor and the education department, we visited the schools’ premises to meet with middle management teachers.

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Second training activity within Music4Freedom project

This week between 3rd – 6th April 2023 Arci Liguria hosted us in La Spezia in the framework of the Music4Freedom project.

The second training activity was organized with involvement of the local prison administration, being dedicated to partners on project design, possibilities of implementation of an audio editing and mixing studio in prison and validation of competencies.

This second training is a key part of the first outcome of the project where we aim to develop a framework of skills needed for hip hop music production in prison.

One of the training activities focused on prison visits where all participants had the opportunity to meet and interact with the Director of the educational area of the Villa Andreini Casa Circondariale in La Spezia. It’s been an opportunity for an exchange of experiences on the different characteristics of prisons in partners countries. Moreover, we had the pleasure to attend the inmates`showcase who are already using rap music as a tool for expression and growth.

The four days were highly interactive, with time and space for comparison and exchange of practices between partners.

A fundamental step for our project is to assessing skills and find strategies on how to validate them. During the event we also focused on teaching skills that can be used in the job market, as one of our goals is to increase the chances of young people and ex-prisoners finding employment opportunities.

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The second learning, teaching and training activity of the Competences Before Diplomas Project

On 6-10 March 2023, Promimpresa hosted in Palermo, Italy, the second learning, teaching and training activity of the Competences before Diplomas Project.

Participants from the project countries tested and validated their skills through the third project result, entitled „New Validation Portfolio”. Moreover, they carried out a variety of interactive activities aimed at developing 8 different competences as defined by the European Commission, while CompB4D Validation Toll was used to assess these competences:

  • Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Competence
  • Entrepreneurship Competence
  • Citizenship Competence
  • Competence in Cultural Awareness and Expression
  • Digital Competence
  • Multilingual Competence
  • Mathematical Competence
  • Literacy Competence

Based on participants’ feedback, the activities included in the portfolio will be adapted to ensure its possibility of becoming a valuable tool that can be used for the validation, recognition and certification of the acquisition of the key competences through non-formal and informal learning experiences and contexts.

The main aim of this training week was to give vulnerable adults the opportunity to have an international experience, to broaden their horizons, to share and discuss their life journeys, to learn from each other and to learn about the power that non-formal and informal education can have on shaping an individual. Mobile home buyers are committed to providing their customers with a satisfying buying experience every time they work with them. They guarantee that their consumers are satisfied with the transaction by offering prices that are competitive and giving an exceptional level of service. To know more about the service, visit

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The short term joint staff training event within the Creating Wellbeing project

The short term joint staff training event within the Creating Wellbeing project was organized on 22,23 and 24 February 2023 and hosted in Almeria/Spain by the Asociación de Estudios Almerienses. Participants in the tree day „training system for workers in creative and emotional skills” learned about the tools developed as part of the four project outcomes on creating well-being and how to implement them with teachers, trainers and educational staff as well as how to use them in emotional environment.

Each day was dedicated to a specific outcome of the project, to highlight what we developed and how to work with these resources in interacting with representatives of the target group. The group dynamics focused on creative workshops and group work related to emotional skills to identify fear, sadness, loneliness, anxiety and creative strategies to address them with older people in the COVID19 environment.

Moreover, through interactive activities, the Creating Wellbeing training aimed to guide teachers to gain and improve knowledge and skills by using the audio training modules (Podcast) and the animated presentations already developed by the LA detox project partners.

Visit the project Website and discover our resouces!

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First training activity within Music4Freedom project

Music 4 Freedom, is a project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program by the European Union that targets young detainees or engaged in alternative measures to prison. The project has some important objectives, such as supporting the personal well-being and educational recovery of the recipients and offering them redemption opportunities, using and valuing hip-hop disciplines and developing professional skills and outlets, in the artistic and technical field, in the world of rap music.

Between 25th – 27th January 2023 the first training focused on „Recording and production of Rap Music” as part of the second Work package was hosted by ETIC in Lisbon, Portugal.

The 3-day intensive course was based on study, discussion and laboratory work dedicated to all stakeholders of the partnership, the sessions being focused on learning what rap music creation and production are and how they take place, in all their phases. We have deepened instruments and techniques useful for music creation and production and reinforced the idea that rap can be a great tool for professional training for detainees and former inmates.

In addition, we had the great honor of interacting, exchanging ideas and views with educators, youth workers either with experience in teaching hip hop disciplines or as experts in non-formal methodologies of intervention with young people with fewer opportunities.

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The first learning activity organized under the Well Project

Three full days of effective discussion, experience exchange and knowledge sharing during the first learning activity organized in Galway/Ireland by St. Nicholas NS, under the Well Project: „The Welcoming Environment for Leading and Learning” the new project co-funded with European Commission support and coordinated by Město Otrokovice.

The event focused on promoting equal opportunities, with workshops on:  the advocacy for access to educational services for the most vulnerable sections of society, a visit to the local University focused on demystifying of disability, activities connected to Leadership in Schools and Inclusion. Together with representatives of education sector from Romania (schools and school inspectorate from regional level) we had the great opportunity to connect with project partners institutions plus their associated partners ready to upskill their competences in effective management to ensure welcoming and collaborative school climate for all. How Does Wyndham Timeshare Work –

Examples of good practice from each school were shared and creative sessions were conducted to identify methods for leading an inclusive learning and teaching las vegas environment.

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The second Short-term joint staff training event within the Erasmus Plus EDUKINO project

The EduKino project „Promote image education as a tool for the inclusion of children in precarious and migratory situations” has been funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus program under the collaboration of seven organisations from four corners of Europe.

On 7-9 December 2022, the second short-term training event was organised in Amadora/Portugal! The main core of the event was defined by spotting strategies on how can we support the empowerment of vulnerable youth in carrying their own messages through image education.

The goal of the three days training was to support professionals in implementing projects in which the children can play leading roles, and build approaches based on empowerment values. Image education supported the questions related to the construction of discourse, messages and images, by the children and how professionals working with them can support it. Participants learned about empowerment concepts and strategies, and bottom-up actions, as well as specific experiences from each partner country of implementing image education programs. We had the great opportunity to interact with teachers, mediators, social workers, artists and other professionals working directly with youth in precarity or migratory situations!

All participants actively expressed they perceptions in the field through dynamic and creative activities based on the Intellectual Output 2 related to the „Image Education Program”. Representatives of each partner organization were responsible for guiding group activities and delivering a specific module previous developed within the Intellectual Output 3 connected to the „ Capacity building program” designed in order to support education professionals to face new challenges appearing today, and in particular when working with youth in precarity or migration situations. The face-to-face training event was extremely essential in preparing participants, as professionals, to question and adapt their position and relations with the children when working on youth capacity building but also to:

Gain theoretical and practical knowledge on empowerment approaches and the use of cultural workshop to empowering youth

-Know more about other countries’ conceptions of the audience, and on the variety of perspectives and experiences on how to support and accompany these children

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The Short-term joint staff training event within the Erasmus Plus Inclusive IMPRO THEATRE

The Short term joint staff training event within the IMPRO was organized during three days between 5-7 December 2022 and hosted in Palermo by CEIPES, our project partner from Italy. Dedicated members from each school and organisation in the partner countries who work with the school community learned how to train other educators / facilitators on intellectual outputs 2 and 3 (especially) developed during the project based on traditional stories for inclusion.

 The educators/facilitators/trainers who participated in the workshop will instruct other facilitators in their own countries of origin to assure the sustainability of the project.

The second Intellectual Output IO2 is entitled „IMPROVISATION FOR CREATIVITY” and the third Intellectual Output IO3 includes the „STRUCTURE OF IMPRO STORIES”, the aims of the learning activity being to:

1. to teach/train educators/facilitators in the implementation of these project results and

2. to evaluate the quality of these results and to collect the feedback for improvement.

Each representative of the project partner organisations was responsible for delivering specific dynamic sessions to engage participants in practical activities that would help them in their future actions in specific school contexts.

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The second Short-term joint staff training event within the Erasmus Plus initiative EUROTHON

Between 3-7 October 2022, EUROSUCCESS CONSULTING LIMITED hosted in Nicosia/Cyprus the second Short-term joint staff training event within the Erasmus Plus initiative EUROTHON„European Hackathon: shaping youth ideas on the future of Europe”.

The EUROTHON Event was a joint international initiative with youth (18-30 years old) across Europe to explore and discuss the values and history of their community. The event was thought as an unconventional hackatlon for networking, knowledge sharing, and inspiring moments, to talk about the future of Europe, with debates on roots, threats and ideal horizons, with the final aim to broaden and strengthen youngsters’ civic engagement and participation in democratic processes at the international, national and local level. Through youth active participation in this innovative training programme, the aim was to develop a culture of innovation within communities and amongst youth and educators.

Young people learned not only about European topics, interculturalism, cooperation, communication, cultural heritage, social entrepreneurship and be more interested in learning a foreign language. The experience was based on the teaching of theoretical and practical skills enclosed in the first project result training modules:






Final aim was properly to broaden and strengthen youngsters’ civic engagement and participation in democratic processes, through their active participation in this training pathway having an integrative, student-centered and action-oriented approach.

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The first Short Term Joint Staff Training under the HOPE4SCHOOLS project

On 10, 11, 12 October 2022 the first Short Term Joint Staff Training took place in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted by Základní škola Orangery.  

The project training activities were designed to create suitable occasions for participants (school staff, members of partner organizations, experts and specialists in the project theme) to get to know new methods/tools to respond effectively to target group needs as well as to take the first steps in the improvement of a school well-being approach. All project partners were responsible for carrying out the training activities considering their background in the project topic!

The activities under the first day of the training  entitled „Explore new ideas and new opportunities on how to better promote wellbeing and mental health in schools” focused on presentation of several case studies, analysis of different situations, and approaches regarding school well-being and mental health, ice-breaking exercise, world cafe workshop on exploring what stress is and ways to eliminate stressors. 

 In the second day of the training, the dynamic sessions included presentation of different tools and methods to manage stressful situations, and improve well-being, workshop activities, brainstorming, sharing experiences.  

During the last day, the creative sessions and the dynamic activities were connected to assessment and working plan to implement well-being strategy (need assessment tool, survey, steps to take). A tour of the preschool and primary school Orangery introduced participants to aspects as teaching methods that contribute to a positive classroom climate and well-being.  

The three-day training had a vital role in raising awareness about well-being and mental health, exploring steps to reduce the anxiety that pupils and teachers feel about online learning, testing or pandemic situation, and of course, increasing confidence in the educational system at the European level! 

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The second short-term joint staff training event under the 3R Erasmus Plus project

During 19,20,21.09.2022 the second short-term joint staff training event under the 3R(Respire, Remember, Respond) Emotional Intelligence for reducing recidivism project was organized in Timisoara/Romania and hosted by CPIP-Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente.

The three-day activities were linked to the first two outcomes with the aim of exchanging experience and best practices about Training pills related to emotional skills for inmates!

Apart from all project consortium members we had the honour to interract in dynamic working groups with representatives from each partners country who work directly with prisoners and / or with prison staff, that have access in prisons and are involved in any way in the reintegration / preparation for release programs. Challenges and potential solutions from the perspective of the trainer were shared based on the practical use of the learning tools connected to:

  • Self-trust delivered by Asociatia Centrul de Mediere Culturala, Dezvoltare Umana si Sociala
  • Perseverance and Patience delivered by BrainLog
  • Assertiveness delivered by CPIP
  • Identifying emotions and Reframing (emotions) delivered by York Associates
  • Responsibility and Decision-making delivered by SEDA
  • Self-motivation and (+tips on optimism) delivered by GROWTHCOOP
  • Tolerance delivered by INDEPCIE

The last day of the event was dedicated to a visit to Timisoara Prison in order to exchange ideas and discuss about the deliverables achieved as part of the project, with the main aim of improving the social adaptability and resilience of offenders and ex-offenders, promoting their reintegration into society and consequently reducing recidivism.

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What are the latest updates on the VOX POP Academy Europe project?

On Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 of September, the VOX POP project consortium met for the third time in presence for their 3rd Transnational Meeting in Aveiro/Portugal.

After an update about the current status of the project from the coordinator, STICHTING ROC MIDDEN NEDERLAND, the project partners worked closely to draw specific strategies for the next testing phase of Mix Up! Platform in each national school involved. Weaknesses and strength from the first session of testing this platform were addressed in order to frame specific steps for the next testing phase in the following month. The online tool has been designed to promote active citizenship, social integration and democratic capabilities through anonymous one-on-one discussions between students from different schools/backgrounds and with contrasting opinions.

The last project result was reviewed to design a better perception on its final shape. The handbook dedicated to teachers will support them to integrate the Mix Up platform into their civic education courses within any European vocational school and beyond.

A creative session during the face-to-face meeting included active discussions on defining pathways in the project dissemination process of the project.

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The Learning, Teaching and Training Activity of the Dyslexia Compass project

The Learning, Teaching and Training Activity of the Dyslexia Compass project (Project No. 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079120) was organized in September 2022 in Malaga (Spain), hosted by Babel Idiomas and delivered by experienced project partners.

The background of WHY and WHAT the Dyslexia Compass project consortium has developed so far, was the starting point of this dynamic event. The three-day activities were linked to the tools displayed in all three outcomes with the aim of enhancing participants’ proficiency in the use of the tools and inclusive practices for implementing them with students/pupils/children with dyslexia.

Thanks to the participation of experts/representatives from Dyslexia Scotland and Succeed with Dyslexia we had the opportunity to take an important step towards defining the mission of Dyslexia Compass: designing a tool to combat the current fragmented approach to dyslexia as well as, making a significant contribution to European – and potentially global – efforts to provide the right help to the right people in the right places, effectively and compassionately.

The discussion sessions were highly interactive, with all participants bringing their own unique perspectives on how further use the materials developed within the project:

National Dyslexia Measurements Across Europe Report

Cross-Border Practices in Dyslexia Assessment Report

The “Dyslexia Compass” project, with the identification number 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079120 is coordinated by York Associates International Limited from York, United Kingdom. It is financed under the ERASMUS+ program, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic Partnerships for school education.

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The two short-term joint staff training events under the RE-WRITE project

The whole of last week was dedicated to the two short-term joint staff training events under the „RE-WRITE: Resources for Education in Writing Radio Plays to Inspire Transition into Creative Employment” project which ran in parallel in Liverpool, the UK.

All participants (representatives of the project consortium, including Adult educators and unemployed adults from each partner country) came together to take part in these cultural arts/digital learning experiences, audio digital training, co-developing the video filming (for the second result of the project). This dual training was an important opportunity to ensure that the developed and tested results will be truly co-produced between adult educators and learners, ensuring the validity, use-ability, pertinence and innovation of the #rewrite methodology.

Inspiring week, engaged people and innovative activities! The trainings were highly interactive, with each participant bringing their own knowledge, skills and insights!

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The short-term joint staff training activity in the framework of the Erasmus Plus project EduMed – Mediation in Education

On 4-8 July, in the framework of the Erasmus Plus project EduMed – Mediation in Education, the Education Department of Sofia organised the short-term joint staff training activity for educational mediators.

During the transnational training educational practitioners from each partner country were trained on educational mediation with the newly elaborated training programmes ProEM and Peer ProEM. All participants were engaged in role plays and group activities on: how to deliver educational mediation at educational institutions with different stakeholders, how to lead educational mediation with the affected sides, how to cope with different problems which could appear in educational institutions.

The educational practitioners have gained professional knowledge in the sphere of mediation, knowledge on fundamentals of the conflict, on general and specialized mediation, what is educational mediation, its specifics, the requirements for being an educational mediation and about peer-mediation. They were given hypothetical and real cases to solve complex problems, so educators presented appropriate solutions that satisfied all affected sides.

Based on their wide expertise in the sphere of mediation, Know and Can from Bulgaria and MAGENTA CONSULTORIA PROJECTS SL from Spain were the project partners responsible for delivering the five days of training activities.

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3-day short-term joint staff training organised as part of the VOLPRIS project

Within the Volpris project, with the support of the team from Bucharest-Jilava Penitentiary and the director Cristina Teoroc, Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente-CPIP has the opportunity to strengthen the collaboration with Pancevo Penitentiary and to facilitate the participation of 4 colleagues from the Security and Education departments in a 3-day short-term joint staff training organised this week.

On this occasion, participants will exchange practices, experience and knowledge of European volunteering through study visits and technical workshops. People or companies who specialised in purchasing properties directly from their current owners are known as “Ibuyers.” Individuals or companies may make up a buyer. They are an alternative to the traditional technique of selling houses since they give a solution that is both fast and simple for those who are attempting to sell their properties. This makes them an alternative. Visit

In addition to Bucharest-Jilava Penitentiary’s strategies to promote volunteers’ wellbeing, participants will meet local Romanian prison volunteers / families of inmates and inmates to discuss best practices in the field of volunteering. In addition, the Deputy Director General of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, Dr. Ioana Morar, will be involved in dynamic discussions to highlight the national perspective on volunteering in the reintegration system at

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The first short-term training event of the BWP project

The first staff-training event within the BWP project has been organized last week (16th – 19th MAY 2022) in Timisoara, Romania, hosted by Penitenciarul Timisoara in collaboration with Centrul pentru  Promovarea Invatarii Permanente – CPIP. The four-day training session focused on strategies for recognising and responding to discrimination in prison institutions in order to contribute to the social inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized categories of persons deprived of liberty. Together with representatives in the field from partner countries, we had the opportunity to share experience and to discover specific techniques for overcoming discriminatory and conflict situations. 

The first day of the training event focused on interactive sessions and self-awareness exercises, highlighting more details about the Romanian penitentiary system and the role of the Directorate! During the visit to Timisoara Penitentiary and the meeting of the rehabilitation and re-education teams, open discussions on discriminatory practices and efforts to combat them were defined. Activities on the second and third day of the training event captured open discussions on specific case studies, situational games and role-playing games on topics related to:  

Criminal offences with increased risk of discrimination
Domestic violence offenders
Gender equality
Human Trafficking
Crimes against sexual freedom
Disabilities & mental health
Ethnic minorities
Religious discrimination
Extremist ideologies
Human rights in prison & non-discrimination programmes
Foreign nationals
How to communicate with language barriers exercise
Discriminating ex-offenders in the community theory and exercise

In particular, interactive discussions on discrimination and cultural differences were reflected during the external visit to the Buziaș Educational Centre. Inspiring best practices from each partner country were shared! And relevant strategies and key points will be considered in future activities in the process of identifying and responding to discrimination in prisons. If you want to sell your property, buy my house may help you avoid the hassle of finding a buyer. From evaluation through transaction conclusion, they will handle everything. Visit

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The first short-term training event of the Edukino project

The EduKino project „Promote image education as a tool for the inclusion of children in precarious and migratory situations” has been funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus program under the collaboration of seven organisations from four corners of Europe: AFEJI (Project coordinator), Cinéligue and L’Univers Cité from France; APROXIMAR- COOPERATIVA DE SOLIDARIEDADE SOCIAL from Portugal; No Place Productions from the United Kingdom; Asociatia Profesionala Neguvernamentala de Asistenta Sociala ASSOC and Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente from Romania. 

On 18-20 May 2022, the first short-term training event of the Edukino project was organised in France! The main core of the event was defined by spotting strategies on how to build a model of cooperation in cultural projects with vulnerable children.  

On the first day of the event we went to Gravelines, where the project partners had the opportunity to visit the first Afeji establishment, namely MECS (a children’s home). We learned more about Cinéligue and, thanks to the participation of specialised educators and experts in the field of image education, we all had the chance to interact in image education workshops. Moreover, the first day was concluded with a screening of the audio-visual productions of children (pixilation workshop) & short movies on games and video games selected by teenagers (programming workshop). 

In the second day of the training event, the activities took place at Cinéma l’Univers where were presentation of successful cooperation projects were highlighted, between social support structures and cultural establishments with Alefpa, Latitudes contemporaines and the Judicial Protection of Minors (PJJ). Interprofessional success stories with Forum des Sciences, MECS de Mérignies, CMP Lomme have been brought to our attention. The inter-professional roundtable were essential to gain expert`s perspective on how to use culture as an educative tool to include vulnerable children in the society. At the end of the day, we had a debate with producer Oliver Pagani, after the screening of the movie ‘Romani street view’. 

The last day of the training event, has been also hosted by Cinéma l’Univers. Cash home buyers has vast understanding in the housing business and is able to give a choice of solutions to meet the needs of their clients because of this knowledge and expertise. They are able to purchase homes in any condition, even the ones that need significant remodelling or repair work to be done on them. Working with home buyers may prove to be beneficial for those who are seeking for a reliable answer to the challenge of selling their property in a quick and simple manner. Visit activities focused on highly interactive workshops and the description of the methodology and concrete tools for the future steps of implementing the experience gained during the three days of the event at each national level of the project partners. 

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The latest activities carried out within the project “YouProMe – Youth workers promoting mental health “

The last Transnational Meeting of the European Erasmus+ project “YouProMe – Youth workers promoting mental health” took place on 16-17 February 2022 in Rome, Italy. The project is promoted by the Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro (Italian project coordinator) together with ASL Roma 1 (Italy), Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK), Iasis Amke Athens (Greece), and Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (Romania). During the two days of activities and intensive sessions whitesands rehab, project partners shared the current status of project activities and the final steps in the project implementation process. Common ideas have added real impact in terms of the sustainability of the YouProMe project after the end of the implementation period.

In addition to the last Transnational Project Meeting, the final event (in hybrid format) of the European Erasmus+ project “YouProMe – Youth Workers Promoting Mental Health” was organised on 18 February 2022 in Rome, Italy.The Conference “Closing the gap. New intervention tools for the well-being and mental health of young people” focused on sharing the results achieved in the three years of work of the YouProMe team. Selling house fast is informed about the industry and may perhaps supply sellers with price that is more competitive. They are aware of the specific difficulties that are associated with selling properties, and they make every effort to provide pricing that are reasonable and outstanding service to their clients. Visit conference was an opportunity to reflect together with representatives of institutions, national and European organizations of the private social world, on the new challenges related to the mental health of young people, which Youth Workers (be they educators, sports coaches, art teachers, etc.) are facing more than ever in this pandemic moment.

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-INVITATION- Dissemination Event within our European Erasmus funded project: ‘Developing Augmented Reality in Offender Learning’

We would like to invite you to a ‘virtual’ dissemination event on Tuesday 14th December 2021, 10:30am-2:30pm (UK Time). The dissemination event is the culmination of 3 years work and development linked to partner organisations from Romania (Biblioteca Judeteana Antim Ivireanu Valcea / Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia), Belgium (EHC Brussels (European Humanity Center Brussels)), Her Majesty’s Prison & Probation Service with Shrewsbury Colleges Group leading the project.

At the dissemination event we aim to bring all the partners together to raise awareness of the project aims and what has been achieved since 2018.

Venue: Zoom Meeting online
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 880 8043 0341
Passcode: Y1D09F

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EBSN Annual Conference 2021

Between 28-29 October, the representatives of Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente participated in the EBSN Annual Conference 2021, organized in a hybrid form in Valetta, Malta, in cooperation with the Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability (DRLLE) from the Ministry for Education, MFED in Malta.

The focus of the Conference was 𝗜𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 – 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁-𝗖𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝗘𝗿𝗮, the topic being analyzed together with the experts from all over Europe and the US.

In this context, as a result of discussions and interactions, the CPIP team had the great opportunity to introduce the EDUPRIS project „Education, Training and lifelong learning as dynamic interventions to promote Inclusion and common values in Correctional Justice for minors and young adults with educative challenges”.

The CPIP team fully supports and promotes quality in national basic skills policies, cooperating to implement the current and future Agenda for Adult Learning and in particular the Upskilling Pathways recommendation at

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Here you can follow the updates of the event and find more details on the conference padlet!

Here you can consult the Conference Declaration!

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The short-term joint Staff Training Event within the Erasmus Plus project “The SEN Toolkit”

Between October 20-22, Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente organized the short-term joint Staff Training Event within the Erasmus Plus project “The SEN Toolkit”: Greater inclusivity provision for SEN students in mainstream classrooms”. The online Staff training event replaced the face-to-face activity of the project partners in Timisoara, Romania.

On the first day of the online event, the practical activity was conducted by YORK ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED and focused on the following perspective: Inspiration – how to give students with SEN needs greater inclusion, motivation, and greater integration in the workforce later in life. The activity was based on the First Intellectual Output of the project, entitled „SEN BLUEPRINT”: pedagogical framework for a digital learning course, dedicated to teachers in order to design learning programs to work with learners with SEN

ELT JAM LEARNING LIMITED and York Associates International Ltd from the UK conducted the practical activity on the second day of the online training, focusing on how to address negative stigma around SEN and how to create a sense of social inclusion for classroom teachers and teaching assistants in mainstream classroom. The interactive activity was linked to the second Intellectual Output of the project, entitled „SEN TOOLKIT”, a digital learning course that offers a chance to learn how to make classrooms more inclusive places for people with SEN.

Babel Idiomas from Spain was the project partner responsible for leading the practical session on the last day of the short-term joint Staff Training Event. The training activities focused on how to differentiate between effective communication and miscommunication (in the classroom and daily life as well) but also emotional connection. The Soft skills Guide (IO3) was introduced to all participants allowing an interactive session for sharing ‘’fresh’’ ideas.

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Staff Training event within the Erasmus Plus project 3R – „Respire, Remember, Respond. Emotional Intelligence for reducing recidivism”

Between October 20-22, the partners from Romania, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Spain and the UK participated in the Staff Training event within the Erasmus Plus project 3R – „Respire, Remember, Respond. Emotional Intelligence for reducing recidivism”. The event was hosted by INDEPCIE SCA, in Córdoba, Spain.

The activities carried out during the Staff Training event focused on the first Intellectual Output of the project „EMOTIONS FOR FREEDOM TOOLKIT” related to the special emotional skills required by professionals whose role is to support inmates in their attempt to reintegrate into society.

Asociatia Centrul de Mediere Culturala, Dezvoltare Umana si Sociala and YORK ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED led the activity on the first day of the event, and included two working groups focused on tools developed based on the following emotional intelligence skills: Motivation, Communication and Leave work at work.

The agenda of the second day of the event was planned arround interactive working groups led by GROWTHCOOP/ES, BRAINLOG/DK, SEDA/PL and INDEPCIE/ES focused on tools developed based on the following emotional intelligence skills: Self-control, Complex problem solving, Critical thinking, Resilience, Teamwork and Self-control.

In the last day of the event, Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente was responsible for leading the working group focused on tools developed based on stress management, as a skill of emotional intelligence. Furthermore, the day was dedicated to discussions & ideas for the final version of Intellectual Output 1 „EMOTIONS FOR FREEDOM TOOLKIT”.

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„Inclusion through language learning” – online event

Dear followers,

Centrrul pentru Promovareaa Invatarii Permanente is very pleased to invite you to attend the „Inclusion through language learning” online event, on 18 February 2021 at 4:00pm CET.

The final event is part of the Erasmus+ project „Lay Teachers – Supporting non-professional teachers to introduce migrants and refugees to national languages”. The event will be focused on the activities and the results achieved so far within the Lay Teachers project. The fundamental role of the language for every foreign person in our country, will be a strong topic debated thanks to the participation of professors and experts in the topic.

For additional information about the online event, please access:

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Final Conference of the SENSE project

Dear followers,

The BEST ERASMUS+ PROJECT on developing and improving skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has reached the end now. Experts from Czech Republic, Romania, the UK, Ireland and Italy have demonstrated that their impressive skills and knowledge at European and international level can help strengthen a brilliant career in STEM.

Are you interested in the SENSE project results and conclusions? Would you like to contribute to the debate on STEM learning? Then you are invited to the Final Conference of the SENSE project.

When: 24th February 2021, 10:00 – 14:00 Brussels time

Where: online (free of charge)

Registration: please, register online by 22th February 2021

All you need to know is here:

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News about the FSEPS project

Dear followers,

We are very pleased to share with you relevant details related to the FSEPS project – „Families, Social Exclusion and Places of Safety”.

We kindly invite you to consult the third Newsletter developed within the project in order to find out essential aspects about the first as well as the second session of the „Train-the-Trainer” event.

In addition, the fourth Newsletter highlights relevant information on the implementation of the “Our Time” program developed within the FSEPS project.

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The penitentiaries have two very important missions: to ensure custody of incarcerated persons and to support the social…

Publicată de Interreg IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme pe Marţi, 22 septembrie 2020
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Necesini – A new chance for social-inclusion of inmates (EC Day 2020)

”NECESINI – A new chance for social-inclusion of inmates” project helped to improve the practical knowledge and skills of the inmates through a non-formal education program in the area of producing dry fruit, vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants, giving them the chance to become small agriculture producers and providing them new opportunities on the labour market.

Using the European Union co-financing, in recent years the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme has focused on the solutions to the key challenges from the border region in various fields like labour mobility, health, social and cultural inclusion, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources or improved transport and mobility services.

As part of a very strong family of Interreg programmes, with a history of 30 years, the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme adapts to new global challenges. Therefore our Programme proposes to celebrate European Cooperation Day online in 2020 by watching together a video that mirrors the vision and the results of our common challenges, opportunities and goals.

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Informative Materials – APPLE project

Dear visitors,

We are very happy to share with you important materials developed within the APPLE project – eArly warning Platform to Prevent youth from dropping out of schooL Education.

Firstly, the Leaflet of the project is dedicated to topics such as: the purpose of the project, how Apple will succeed as well as how to join APPLE. Check our Leaflet to find out more information: /pdf/20200621/APPLE-e-Leaflet_EN.pdf

Secondly, the most representative subjects of the Press Release are closely related to an overview of the project as well as to the results of the project, namely a guide for educators and an online warning platform. Please consult our material for further details: /pdf/20200621/1st-Press Release_APPLE_EN.pdf

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Informative Brochure within the 40 Challenges project

Dear followers,

We kindly invite you to consult our representative Brochure developed within the 40 Challenges project.

You will discover relevant aspects regarding the overall objective of the project as well as the training system of the 40 Challenges project focused on improving the skills of entrepreneurs coolsport. Our application contains 10 trainings of various soft skills possible to train every day.

Please check the brochure here: /pdf/20200621/brochure-40CHALLENGES.pdf

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Third Newsletter within Emotional Emplyment project

Dear visitors,

The CPIP team is very delighted to share with you our third Newsletter developed within the Emotional Employment project.

If you are interest to find out important details about the third partners project meeting in Dublin, Ireland as well as what are the next steps in this project and what are the emotional skills developed so far, please consult: /pdf/20200621/EE-newsletter.pdf

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Dissemination events within the Augmented Reality project

Dear visitors,

We are very pleased to share with you our latest activities carried out within Augmented Reality in Youth Offender Learning project.

On 18th of May 2020, Shrewsbury Colleges Group and Her Majesty’s Prison & Probation Service delivered an online presentation to the Maths, English and Digital Literacies Steering Group meeting, supporting prison education. There were 22 delegates, the activity being very well received. For this reason, the two project partners have been invited to present a webinar for the Prisoners’ Education Trust on 24th of June 2020. The presentation included the background to the project, objectives, benefits and progress. It also demonstrated the range of resources and the process involved for both prison staff and learners to use in learning situations.

If you want to know additional details about this project activity, please consult:

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SOSTRA Project – Soft Skills Training and Recruitment of Adults Educators

Dear visitors,

The CPIP team is very happy to share with you relevant updates regarding the SOSTRA project.

If you are interested in our project we invite you to watch this short video to find out where are we now and what have we achieved so far.


Kolejny projekt zrealizowany niemal w całości, gotowa jest już platforma on-line doskonaląca kompetencje miękkie trenerów, wśród nich otwartość na różnorodność (openess to diversity) i włączenie (inclusiveness)✔️. Ale projekty to nie tylko zadania i rezultaty 📝, to przede wszystkim ludzie, którzy je tworzą z zaangażowaniem – brawo, Sostra Team 👏!#SOSTRA #diversitymatters

Publicată de Diversity Hub pe Marţi, 31 martie 2020
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The first Product developed within the EESPIP project

Dear visitors,

We are very glad to present you our first Product developed within the EESPIP project.

The first part of the project (Intellectual Output 1) was focused on developing the ‘image’ of the reality we are working with in each of the partner country and at European level.

Our booklet contains context and comments of the need analysis research activities. Our research and EESPIP project is closely tied with promoting and supporting correctional facilities into offering proper education to the most disadvantaged in society, to give them a possibility in life.

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What`s new about the AG4C project?

Dear followers,

We are very glad to share with you our informative materials developed within the AG4C project.

These material provides you an overview of the AG4C project, including the objectives and the impacts of the project, the beneficiaries and the project partners.

If you are interested, you can find more details in our leaflet, in our flyer or in our roll-up.

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Informative materials developed within the AWARE project

Dear followers,

The CPIP team is delighted to share with you two of our informative materials developed within the AWARE project.

Check-out our leaflet! You will discover aspects focused on: the partners of the AWARE project, the objective of the project, the situation of the prison diagnosed with a mental health problem and the steps that the AWARE project will follow to share best practices.

This is our roll-up. It includes the three questions that highlight the purpose of the AWARE project: what, why and how.

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Relevant updates on the EFE project

Dear followers,

We are delighted to present you relevant aspects regarding our EFE project.

Our brochure developed within the EFE project illustrates important topics specific to the project: the main objectives of the project, our regular project meetings, the project consortium and also information about the results of the project.

Take a look at our first Newsletter. You will find details about our Kick-off meeting organized in Stockholm, Sweden.

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News about the FSEPS project

Would you like to know more about our activities developed within the FSEPS project?

In our first Newsletter you will discover relevant aspects regarding the objectives of the FSEPS project, the first research results of the project, the programme activities as well as short information about the Train the Trainer seminars.

In our second Newsletter are structured information about the implementation of the programme, the next steps in the project and other important topics.

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ALL IN Newsletter

Dear visitors,

The CPIP team is happy to share with you our Newsletter developed within the ALL IN project.

The Newsletter includes topics such as: the ALL IN project Kick off, the consortium of the project, a brief presentation of the immigration situation in the EU as well as the main elements the project will offer.

Here you can consult our Newsletter: /pdf/20200228/ALL-IN-Newsletter-EN.pdf 

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U-ECO Newsletter

Dear visitors,

The CPIP team is very pleased to present you our very first U-ECO project newsletter!

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The main topics covered relate to: introduction about the project objectives, short information about our Kick off meeting, the representative target group as well as the upcoming events within the U-ECO project.

Here you can find our informative Newsletter: /pdf/20200228/U-eco_newsletter-EN.pdf

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Newsletter about the SPOC project

The CPIP team is very glad to present you our first newsletter about the SPOC project (Small Private Offline Courses) in which CPIP is one of the partners visit

The main topics covered relate to: Project presentation, Training activities and Focus on trainers.

Here you can find the direct link to the newsletter

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REM project – Policy Recommendation Paper

During the three years working on project REM: rights, duties, solidarity, partners had the opportunity to reflect about all the topics they were dealing with and came up with some Policy Recommendations, for the prevention of radicalization and the promotion of citizenship education and intercultural dialogue, emerged about education and adult education, community engagement and multiagency support.

We are glad to present you the final result of the project in the form of a Policy Recommendation Paper. You can find both the full version of the paper on the project’s website:

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News about the Emotional Employment project

Do you want to adapt new strategies and methodologies to face the new challenges that the modern working world is presenting? Do you want to adapt new approaches and mind-set to a new market?

The consortium wants to offer solutions by showing how to apply Emotional Intelligence (EI) tools, skills and strategies for career advisors and job seekers. The project partners had the first transnational project meeting in November 2018 in the Liverpool Central Library. Check-out our first Newsletter.

Emotional Employment will deliver a free training in Emotional Intelligence for Career advisors, Volunteer coordinators, Adult practitioners and all professionals supporting job seekers which will take place between November and December 2019. Take a look at our second Newsletter.

For further details visit our Website

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What’s new about Digi-S (Teaching Basic Digital Competences for Seniors) project?

The Digi-S project is based on 2 innovations developed on the target group (elderly citizens over 55 years old):

– The first one is ‘a flexible teaching method’ which is adapted to the age and target group, using a pedagogical and psychological approach.

In the educational material it was examined the best ways to overcome the challenges of teaching digital skills for the elderly. There were presented various topics about adults teaching which include the difference between Pedagogy and Andragogy and  Intergenerational learning.  Another topic discussed was the current situation which include the challenge of teaching to seniors, psychological challenges, the internet, anxiety and computers. The physiological challenges, the motor skills, the sight, the hearing and the cognitive skills were some of the other subject addressed. Also, the objective-oriented learning and the specific teaching of technology to senior citizens (flexible learning, combined learning and digital literacy) were examined in the material. In the end, there were suggested some of the useful tips for teaching seniors. You can find the educational material here -download .pdf file

-The second one, it is represented by an application’ that can be downloaded onto desktop computers and mobile telephones.

This application will be ready soon by which the seniors will be informed in the following topics: how to stay safe online, how to make a skype call with family abroad, how to use a google calendar or read newspapers online.

Further information you can find on the Youtube Channel of this project

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2Smile Project

Dear followers, the CPIP team is happy to share with you one of our new 
projects, 2SMILE programme which goal is to reduce school dropouts by 
designing and delivering  effective learning outcomes.

London, Kick off meeting 7th of December.

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Junior on the Job Coach programme

Dear followers, the CPIP team is happy to share with you one of our projects, Junior on the Job Coach programme which aim is to support students at risk who may be in danger of dropping out of apprenticeships or work placements.

Main result of the project is: a Junior on the Job Coach training programme who focuses on flexible workshops offered to high level students. The training programme tries to improve the skills competences of the students in different areas as: engagement, reliability, communication, problem solving etc.

If you are interested, you can find more details in our leaflet – download here.

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Staff-training event – Digi-S project
Between the 23 rd and 27 th of April 2018, the CPIP team participated in a staff-training event within the Digi-S project, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Participants from six European countries – Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Turkey- were trained about “Digital literacy teaching to seniors”. Whether they want to socialize or to learn how to talk with their grandchildren on Skype, seniors need digital competences. That is what the staff training was about: what are the best methods to teach digital competences to seniors, taking into consideration their needs, challenges encountered, barriers in learning, or how the adults learn.

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APITHERAPY third project meeting

The 3rd project meeting on Apitherapy project was held during two working days, on 4th and 5th of December 2015. At the meeting were participating partners from four countries, Romania, Hungary, Turkey and Poland, together with experts in beekeeping from Turkey and Romania. Some of the discussed points on the agenda were: the development of the on-line platform, development of the hand-book and the preparation of multiplier events.
From CPIP team participated our managing director Rodica Pana, our Junior Researcher Andreea Micu, together with our two specialists in beekeeping: Flavius Huber and Laszlo Kardos. The meeting was hosted by our hungarian partner and took place in Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary.

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EU BULLY resources

As part of the EU BULLY project, Titan and its partners are developing a range of resources for schools, community groups and parents to use as part of their anti-bullying programmes and actions. Please take a look at our guides and apps which can be used in classrooms or at home.

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Using drama to address bullying: a Teacher’s Manual, written by InSite Drama

This manual has been devised to support the teacher training workshops delivered by InSite Drama, Hungary.

Download here

The EU BULLY Quiz Game

This multiple choice quiz challenges myths about bullying, raises awareness of tips to stay safe online, and asks the question: what should I do in a bullying situation? This game is an interactive and fun exercise to complement workshops and lessons on bullying, or can be set as a homework. Teachers have the ability to register their students and follow their progress on a number of topics.

Access the game and register your school at:

This game has been developed through consultation workshops with young people and hosted by Zammer Ltd.

The EU BULLY research survey app

Students can be part of the solution by adding their bullying stats to the EU BULLY  research survey app, completely anonymously. This research app is collecting information on the nature and spread of bullying across Europe and beyond to inform the EU and national policy researchers. You can download the app which includes a simple yet fun game to grab your students’ attention and start up the conversation about bullying.

Download from iTunes now!

Alternatively you can take survey here:

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EFCCP project

EFCC project on the “development of a European Framework of Competences for Community Professionals working in Gang Environments” approved for funding.

The project EFCC project promoted by “Fundação O Século” involving partners from Portugal, Romania, Lithuania and Italy on the development of a “European Framework of Competences for Community Professionals working in Gang Environments approved for funding” by the ERASMUS+ funding agency.

EFCCP is planning to identify the professionals supporting communities affected by gangs, identify their common characteristics in terms of competencies and develop a “navigation tool” presenting major areas of competencies, specialized competencies, proficiency levels connected to EQF and examples of knowledge / behavior / skills. This navigation tool will help all professionals understand what is needed to address gangs.

EFCCP objectives are:

  • to produce current and appropriate occupation / work profiles for those working with gangs and the impact of gang crime in communities across Europe, a profile relevant within each European partner country and against which new learning outcomes can be identified.
  • to identify in each partner country key sectors, organizations and job roles working within gang crime and with the impact of gang crime (police, probation, youth work, health, social services, education, communities).
  • to identify through desk and DACUM consultative research in each partner country the knowledge, skills and competences required to develop capacity and ensure improved and more successful engagements with gangs and gang members operating in order to reduce gang crime in the future.
  • to develop the European Framework of Competencies under the form of an interactive on-line tool capturing: major areas of competencies, specific competencies for each area, proficiency levels related to EQF and examples of knowledge/skills/attitudes. This will be the fundamental tool to give a common language between professionals, employers, VET providers and communities, in a context where even the definition of the problem is challenging: what is a gang for you and your community?

The partnership is composed by:

  • Fundação “O Século”, Portugal (promotor)
  • IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Qualify Just IT solutions and Consulting), Portugal
  • CPIP Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente (Center for Promoting Lifelong Learning), Romania
  • Human Development and Social Integration Regional Center, Romania
  • Charity and support fund “Garstycios grudas”, Lithuania
  • Psychological support and counselling centre, Lithuania
  • University of Sassary, Italy
  • ISES Association, Italy
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Workshop Opening Up Education

On March 13, 2015 hours 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. will take place the workshop called “Opening Up Education” which will be held at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara Get more info at

This workshop is part of “Open Education Week” taking place this year on 9-13 March 2015. “Open Education Week” is an European initiative which aims to promote open education, a framework of open sharing to improve educational access and effectiveness worldwide. Open Education combines the traditions of knowledge sharing and creation with 21st century technology to create a vast pool of openly shared educational resources.

Open Education seeks to intensify educational opportunities, taking advantage of the power of the Internet, which enables rapid and free dissemination and  allows sellhouse-asis people to access knowledge around the world, to connect and collaborate with each other.

During the event our CPIP trainer, Sl.dr. ing. Mugur Mocofan will present the MLEARN project and some case studies and techniques of “mobile learning”.

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Child Protection Policy

Starting with 2015 CPIP adopted policy for child protection. For more information check the attachment.

Child Protection Policy

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EPALE Conference

Today, 26th of February, in Bucharest, takes place the EPALE Conference. It’s main discussion topics are adult education in Romania, continuing vocational training, legislation in the field, priorities and challenges identified in adult education and lifelong learning.

The conference is organized by the National Authority for Qualifications(ANC) and aims to promote EPALE platform, an electronic platform for adult education in Europe. The event is organized within the project “National EPALE Support Service for Romania”, no. 556787-EPP-1-2014-1-RO-EPPKA2-EPALE-NSS funded by the European Commission through the Executive Agency for Education, Culture and Audiovisual, the ERASMUS + Programme.

The EPALE platform objective is to improve the delivery and quality of adult education in Europe, to establish a strong pan-european sector of adult education and enable adult education professionals to meet the needs of adults. EPALE addresses to trainers, teachers, researchers, academics, policy makers and professionals in the field of adult education in Europe.

Rodica Pana, the Managing Director from CPIP, used the conference as an opportunity to disseminate our project EIS-ALP (European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals) and MLEARN (Training teachers to use mobile (hand held) technologies within mainstream school education). More information about the EIS-ALP project can already be found on the EPALE platform by accessing the following link:

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Eubully Workshop:prevention and combating of the phenomenon of bullying using theatrical improvisation with young people
Today, 18th of February, started the two day workshop under EUBBULY project organized by CPIP and lead by Ádám Bethlenfalvy and Ádám Cziboly. The two trainers are from the InSite Drama organization, Budapest, and they are experts in the field of preventing bullying through theatre and drama education.

The participants at this workshop are relevant persons from relevant institutions, organizations and associations such as: Timisoara and Arad Penitentiary, Buzias Reeducation Center, the Probation Service, Chamber of Commerce , Social Servicies and psychology field.

CPIP is represented by our researcher Alexandra Pana and our two trainers Florin Bacioiu and Paul Pistrui.




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MyCompass Conference

On October the 3rd 2014, was held the final conference of the project MyCompass – Key Competencies for Minor Offender Reintegration LLP-LDV-TOI-2012-EN-025, a project coordinated by the Centre for Promotion Lifelong Learning. This took place in Kaunas, Lithuania, and was organized by the Psychological Support and Counselling Centre, partner in the project MyCompass.

At the conference participated 143 specialists working in reintegration, education, social and psychological assistance from Romania, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus and Lithuania. From Romania, at the invitation of coordinating organization, participated Mr. Director General of the National Penitentiary Administration, chief commissioner of prisons Catalin Claudiu BEJAN.

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At the conference took place a panel discussion about reintegration for juvenile detainees and educational activities intended for them, and in the workshops was conducted practical work based on training materials developed under the project. General Manager Mr. Bejan gave a presentation about models of good practice for developing the skills to assist juvenile detainees and young people. The three workshops from the conference were moderated by:

• Reeducation Centre from Buzias, Eurosucces from Cyprus, Central Prison from Nicosia: Entrepreneurial Skills with a European perspective.
• Innovative Prison Systems Portugal: Transnational Piloting MyCompass model.
• Centre for Promoting Lifelong Learning: European co-financing as a tool for the development of education in penitentiary. More details can be found on the project website:

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