Boost Train&Retain
Agreement No. 2022-1-BE01-KA220-ADU-000089073
The project plans to show the importance of the application of Emotional Intelligence tools, skills and strategies for HR department, HR trainers and workers or lowed skills adults looking for secure and recognition in the labor market. Given the drastic changes currently facing the economy and training worldwide, our project aims to be the key to improving processes around these fields and objectives. We have been able to reach this conclusion through research, carried out by the project partners, through surveys directed at companies of all sizes. The focus of our project on continuous training in the labor field directly affects continuous training for both adults and young people. On the one hand, if we refer to adults, the objective is to contribute to the improvement of training to ensure its continuity and facilitate its adaptation to the continuous and rapid changes that we are experiencing. On the other hand, by developing a complete methodology such as the one we propose, we help the young workforce and even new entrepreneurs to benefit from skills and tools that will facilitate their incorporation into the labor and business fabric.
In summary, the main objectives of the Boost Train& Retain project are:
Meet the project consortium
Please consult the project Website and see what are our planns and resources to be developed and follow us on Facebook and Linkedin!