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Title: European Dissemination Platform for Education in Prison

The main objective of the EDPEP project is to set up a user-friendly Wikipedia site on which experiences, knowledge, etc. gained in research and projects in EU countries on Education in Detention is posted and shared with professionals and volunteers. This promotes
professionalization. The target group addressed: Professionals and volunteers involved in organizations active in the field of Education in Detention.


  • Train the regional trainers (The training consists of explanation of the WIKI structure and layout, the educational themes where experiences, programs, research, good practices, etc can be posted, explains to what conditions the information to be posted must comply with in terms of content and form. But especially how the placement of information can be realized in a good and simple manner.)
  • Find and train the national contacts: The (trained) regional trainers look for contact persons in the organizations in the European countries located in their region, that are willing to promote the use of the Prison Education WIKI among potential users in their country. The contact persons will also inform potential users (professionals in the field of Education in Detention but also (ex-)detainees in their country and support them in using the WIKI.
  • Commissioning Prison Education WIKI; monitoring: The Prison Education WIKI will be used by the contact persons in the European countries. They will themselves (or through them teachers, artists, librarians, sports teachers, (former) prisoners, researchers in their country) will post articles in the WIKI about Education in Detention. The regional trainers will be in contact with the contact persons every 2 weeks to share their experiences, questions or suggestions for improving the WIKI.


Meet the project team:

EPEA-NL – project coordinator Netherlands

County Governor of Vestland – Norway

Associação Portuguesa de Educação nas Prisões – Portugal


Stowarzyszenie na rzecz edukacji osób wykluczonych spolecznie o nazwie “Busola” – Poland

Join the project LinkedIn group to interract with prefessionals in the field and follow us on Youtube!

Moreover the Prison Education Wiki is up and running! Discover the database of projects publications, tools and resources that captures all fields related to education in prison.