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EMpowering PROfessional RelatiVEs in Europe

Project number 2022-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000085071

The goal of the EMPROVE project is to support the quality of assistance for elderly by creating an  innovative curriculum for the people who would like to train to become a Professional Relative. Professional Relative is a profession of a profession of a geriatric care manager: someone who is with the family, who plans and supervises care.

The EMPROVE project aims to produce:

– A training course aimed at the acquisition of the skills and competencies of a Professional Relative of the elderly with various symptoms of old age or mental or physical illness who need assistance with everyday activities. The training materials will be developed as an e-learning content and will be targeted at graduates of medical and social studies, i.e. nurses, public health educators, social workers, public administration staff, educators, sociologistsand psychologists, and at a wide range of people interested in senior care.

– A Manual addressed to the participants of the Course describing the general knowledge about the profession of a Professional Relative

– An e-learning platform with the EMPROVE training content: The Platform will make learning in the area of the geriatric care management simpler, easier, and more effective. This online method of learning will be best suited for everyone. Unlike classroom teaching, with online learning the students will be able to access the content an unlimited number of times (it is especially important while preparing to the exam).

Project partners:


For further details about the EMPROVE initiative we encourage you to follow the project Facebook page and explore the website!