Title: Health Empowerment For Women involved with The
Criminal Justice Sistem
Project Number: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000156137
The main aim of the project to increase health literacy and empower women involved with Criminal Justice Sistem through gender-specific health education addressing the prevention of chronic and transmissible diseases in detention and after release using innovative methods. Starting from the need for gender-specific health education in the context of justice, our project proposes setting a Framework for Health Literacy based on evidence, creating the context of collaboration between the medical staff and those involved in education to offer higher quality programs adapted to the current context. Women in prison are often even more affected and have disproportionately higher level of mental health, suicide, self-harm, drug dependence and other health needs.
In He4her, through the common European effort of practitioners and support networks, we are creating a new health literacy program, tailored to the needs of the target group, replicable and sustainable in any European context in which the target group is present:
– Needs assessment
– Creating educational content
– Training the staff to update the competencies
– Connect and involve civil society organisations
– Communicate with peers from Europe in a learning context and exchange.
The target group addressed:
Women involved with criminal justice system (Women who broke the law, arrested, convicted or under supervision or who served a prison sentence)
Staff working with women in conflict with the law (Staff with various specializations, medical staff or other people who do health education with women who have violated the law)
Using the experience and expertise of the partners, taking into account the needs of the target group, we will create an health educational product available online and offline that will empower the target group to make more informed decisions regarding their health, but also a product that can also be used by women who work with the target group or by any woman who will access it.