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EFE Entrepreneurship for everyone. New ways of coaching. 


The EFE project aims at helping entrepreneurs during the first five years of a new company to overcome the most important difficulties by using coaching and Emotional Intelligence skills and tools. The project wishes to set new tools and methodologies to support entrepreneurs and SMEs in enhancing their productivity, competiveness and efficiency.  

The project is double focused. On one hand, it wants to advice and help entrepreneurs to discover and develop the talents that are vital to start, grow, and sustain a thriving enterprise. On the other hand, it wants to work with coaches and facilitators in order to give them the resources they need to support current and future entrepreneurs in understanding the skills based on coaching and emotional intelligence. With that guidance, entrepreneurs will develop their talents into strengths to achieve greater business effectiveness and success. 

The EFE project is focused on three target groups:  

1) coaches and facilitators  

2) entrepreneurs and managers 

3) Companies and organizations active in the field of training and advisory services. 

The project consortium is composed of seven organizations from six different EU countries (SW, SP, PT, IRL, PL and RO).  

Please consult the Website of the project in order to find out essential details about the project. In order to discover specific articles closely related to the EFE project please access the project Facebook page, as well as the project LinkedIn page.