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Title: PROTA – Prisoners Reintegration Opportunities and Training in Artificial Environments for Employment

Project Number: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000090209

The PROTA project main goal is to offer coordinated support, learning opportunities and personal and vocational guidance to the participants during both their time in correctional institutions and after their release, so that they develop a comprehensive picture of their personality, needs, abilities and potential. Upon this, and always in cooperation with their trainers and advisors, they will have the chance to build on new useful competencies and make well informed choices directed to areas of professional and personal life where they stand increased chances of successful integration in the society.

What are the project objectives?

  • Promote individual support and guidance for adults in correctional settings to maximize personal potential and successful transition towards employment.
  • Design customized Learning & Development roadmaps for adults in and leaving correctional institutions
  • Develop diverse learning materials, including e-courses, webinars, face-to-face sessions, and VR games, to enhance key competencies and navigate career choices.
  • Develop a Training Tool kit and guidelines for organisations supporting offenders and ex-offenders.
  • Develop an online platform for e-learning, offering training materials, toolkits, guidelines, assessments, and information resources for social and community organizations supporting the transition of such adults.


What are our results?

Establishing Needs & Developing Training Tools

The objective: present a complete picture of all the existing solutions for training and support guidance of inmates and ex-offenders offered in the field of prison education. It is divided into the following key activities:

  • PROTA Comparative Baseline Survey & Best practices
  • PROTA Decision Making Tool
  • PROTA VR Game for development of soft skills


Curriculum & Training Material

The activities under this project result offer opportunities for adult educators (formal and nonformal) and senior digitally underskilled learners to up-skill their digital competences in an inclusive and interactive way. It includes the following activities:

  • PROTA Teaching Method
  • A flexible online platform (OER) hosting the PROTA training course


Project coordinated by Penitenciarul Bucuresti-Rahova, Romania.

We encourage everyone interested in the project subject to visit the Website here and follow our initiative in the online, Facebook and LinkedIn.