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Title: Service Learning for Media Literacy

Project Number: KA210-YOU-5DBA5A00

What is the main goal of the project?

Our main goal is to orient young people in a complicated reality of new media, disinformation, misinformation and propaganda.

What are the main topics addressed within the slml project?

  • Democracy and inclusive democratic participation
  • Media literacy and tackling disinformation


More objectives in detail:

  • Give young people necessary knowledge about information flows and news
  • Give them a more profound understanding of new media. Explain that new media not only exist to share private photos, videos and memes, but it is a powerful tool in terms of information and communication – but it is essential to know how to use it, as anyone can become a content creator.
  • Provide them with a comparison of different news platforms, peculiarities of news presentation on each of those platforms, social networks.
  • Provide them with a knowledge on information verification techniques.
  • Introduce them to service-learning methodology, to get them actively participate in the life of the society by using knowledge provided to them on practice by creating a news media and filling it with content within a certain period of time.
  • Transmit them an idea of active citizenship, necessity to actively participate in the life of the society.
  • Explain to them the importance of critical thinking



  1. Manual for facilitators on Service-Learning
  2. Course for youngsters on different aspects of media literacy
  3. Development of the youngsters’ own media using a social network platform


Project consortium

Asociación de Estudios Almerienses – Spain (project coordinator)

Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente – Romania

Stowarzyszenie SEDA – Poland

More information about the project you can find on the Facebook or Instagram page, but also on the website.