smARt – augmented reality technology adaptation in schools
Project code 2022-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000087659
The use of AR in education can transform the school environment into a more technology-friendly one, with a bigger variety of opportunities for learning for schoolchildren. According to researchers the use of AR can increase the level of participation, understanding, and learning, three key elements of all educational systems’ targets. The EU is facing a STEM skills crisis. These skills are important for a range of industries from manufacturing to the arts. The supply of candidates into engineering (and more broadly STEM) occupations are not keeping pace with demand. There are many reasons: poor perceptions and lack of interest in engineering and science jobs, low attainment and progression in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects at school, further and higher education, to young people making career choices outside of engineering occupations. Young people are increasingly disengaged from STEM which manifests itself in reducing enrolments in courses in those STEM subjects which will be critical to future economic growth. Augmented reality is a 3D technology that merges the physical and digital worlds in real-time.
Baltic Education Technology Institute
Macibu centrs “EVA-93“
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell`educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione
Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia
I And F Education And Development Limited
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
Project objectives
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