A visiontoproductivityandemployabilitythroughwork pace and individual satisfaction at workplace”
The overall objective of the SNAIL project is to to highlight the importance of a slow work place in the new economic environment. SNAIL philosophy is linked to the introduction of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, cognitive flexibility and the development of social skills in the work world. The project wishes to set new tools and methodologies to support start-ups and SMEs in enhancing their productivity, competiveness and efficiency.
The projectconsortiumiscomposed of sixorganisationsfromsixdifferent EU countries:
Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente from Romania.
The projectisbased on threeIntellectualOutputs, namely:
-focused on managerswork pace; identification of themainaspectswhich accelerate work pace, howtheyaffecttoproductivityandtheproblemsthey generate tomanagers, leadersandhumanresources staff in thedaily performance of a company.
-focused on workersandandproposing an adaptedsolutionto a company whichneedsto slow downitsinternalwork pace for a betterproductivityandcreativity.
-the projectconsortiumwilldevelop a train-the-trainers module for facilitatorsbased on IO1 and IO2.
We are very pleased to invite you to consult the Website, as well as the Facebook page of the SNAIL project.