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Reframing attitudes of minors and youth at risk of offending / re-offending through training

The project aims to strengthen youth offenders’ soft skills through high quality educational material on  the  development  of  key  employability  skills.  The  purpose  will  be  realized  through  the  following  objectives:

  • Strengthen ex-convicted child offenders’ competences and basic skills in order to ease their transition to adulthood and support their integration in the labour market.
  • Develop activities focusing on the strengthening of inclusion and employability of child offenders as young people with fewer opportunities.
  • Support CSOs focusing on the protection and the re-integration of child offenders and encourage young people at risk of marginalisation to regain their life and place in the society.
  • Engage CSOs and stakeholders from the business sectors and educate them to eliminate the stereotypes related to child offenders post release employability.


Project partnership:


What we would like to achieve by implementing this project?

Result 1 YOUTH REGAINED Good practice guide

  • The Guide provide an updated pool of European practices and initiatives developed to help youth and minors at risk of offending or re-offending to develop skills and competences and facilitate their integration into the labour market. The Guide is designed and developed to be utilized by youth and minor offenders, re-offenders or at risk of offending, administrations and education units in minor detention centres as well as collaborating education and learning centres. Finally, the target groups include but are not being limited to youth associations, human rights CSOs, policy makers etc.



  • The e-course  is  designed  and  developed  to  be  utilized  by  youth  from  all  cultural, social, economic and education backgrounds who have very early been involved in offences, are detained, released, or at risk of re-offending and are interested in acquiring knowledge. What  makes  the  YOUTH  REGAINED  e-course  innovative  is  the  offering  of  a  learning program that aims educate youth and minors at risk of offending or re-offending coming from diverse educational backgrounds,  as  regards  soft  skills,  as  well  as  to  encourage  their  active  participation  in  community  so  to  regain  their  place  in  society  and  have  equal  professional  opportunities.


RESULT 3 YOUTH REGAINED Awareness raising toolkit and training

  • It is designed and developed to be utilized  by  organizations  and  institutions  either  detaining  minor  offenders,  or  by  youth  organizations  and CSOs supporting  the  reintegration  of  marginalized  youth  into  the  society  and  professional  life.  The  training  is  available to youth facing found in these categories while the toolkit will attempt to reach a high policy level. In particular, the training offers guided activities developed for participants so to enhance their soft skills and support further their existing knowledge and skills, in a non-formal way through dialogue and exchanging of experiences.


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