Bullying is considered a form of aggression which has a social context; occurring among social groups in regular contact. Bullying includes negative aggressive behaviours intended to cause physical/ emotional damage to those who experience it, over the past 20 years has found to be a problem for a substantial proportion of children and young people living in Europe. Left unresolved, the experience of being bullied can have a detrimental effect on a child’s development, leading to a variety of physical and psychological problems throughout adolescence and later life. Bullying includes a variety of behaviours.
We will reach 5000 young people in 150 primary, secondary and special schools (+60 support agencies) 2500 parents/carers, 2380 teachers, school and other types of support staff.
Our objectives are:
Encourage and add value to whole school anti–bullying strategies incorporating “user” led action research to define current need and resolution.
Offer safe, secure and friendly physical and virtual environments where young people openly and safely discuss what is being kept secret in order to help them overcome being bullied or indeed in being bullies or bystanders.
Offer more rapid development of ideas in regard to cyber bullying through the development of apps for use on mobile technologies and offer real time support
Promote transfer of drama techniques into whole school anti bullying strategies using the skills and experience of the more advanced partners working in this field
Promote wider thinking about pedagogic models and the creative inter-play of bullying activity within and beyond the classroom, as a changing ‘learning space’ which can be both physical and virtual.