Host organization: Social Innovation Fund (Kaunas, Lithuania)
To make known and visible what we have achieved during the project implementation period, all four NOVA (Project number 2020-1-LT01-KA227-ADU-094751) intellectual outputswere covered during the conference and each member of the project consortium shared valuable insights about their contribution and project’s relevance in the field of cultural and creative sector.

All project tools and results were presented in attractive way using innovative interactive methods of moderation, participants being invited to discuss how project results can be applied in practice.
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Attendess from different background were involved in the conference: members of cultural and creative organisations, public bodies working in the field of the culture and arts, managers from adult education organisations, adult educators, representatives of the associated partners, and other stakeholders like representatives of employment services, employment agencies, social services departments, small business associations.

Website: https://nova.lpf.lt/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/INNOVATORERASMUSPlus