During 19,20,21.09.2022 the second short-term joint staff training event under the 3R(Respire, Remember, Respond) Emotional Intelligence for reducing recidivism project was organized in Timisoara/Romania and hosted by CPIP-Centrul pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente.
The three-day activities were linked to the first two outcomes with the aim of exchanging experience and best practices about Training pills related to emotional skills for inmates!

Apart from all project consortium members we had the honour to interract in dynamic working groups with representatives from each partners country who work directly with prisoners and / or with prison staff, that have access in prisons and are involved in any way in the reintegration / preparation for release programs. Challenges and potential solutions from the perspective of the trainer were shared based on the practical use of the learning tools connected to:
- Self-trust delivered by Asociatia Centrul de Mediere Culturala, Dezvoltare Umana si Sociala
- Perseverance and Patience delivered by BrainLog
- Assertiveness delivered by CPIP
- Identifying emotions and Reframing (emotions) delivered by York Associates
- Responsibility and Decision-making delivered by SEDA
- Self-motivation and (+tips on optimism) delivered by GROWTHCOOP
- Tolerance delivered by INDEPCIE

The last day of the event was dedicated to a visit to Timisoara Prison in order to exchange ideas and discuss about the deliverables achieved as part of the project, with the main aim of improving the social adaptability and resilience of offenders and ex-offenders, promoting their reintegration into society and consequently reducing recidivism.