From 11/09 – 14/09 all members of the project consortium participated in the third activity, this time hosted by aufBruch KUNST GEFÄNGNIS STADT in Berlin, Germany!
The three-day training event was dedicated to creating training modules for music and hip-hop production adapted to the prison context. Several prisons were visited and an intensive exchange with experts took place.
The presentation of the results of the hip-hop workshop in Berlin’s juvenile detention centre, led by rapper Aisha, was also on the programme, as well as a study visit to the musical theatre event “Arturo Ui” by aufBruch in Tegel prison. The results of previous trainings and research were evaluated and the possibilities of setting up music production workshops were examined. The EFA also presented the research results and provided the starting point for WP3, the creation of training modules. Etic provided an overview of the possibilities of setting up digital systems for music production in prisons, and Asturia led the discussion on prison regulations and their adaptability to new technologies.
Prisoners who participated in various aufBruch workshops (Winterreise film workshops, theatre, creative writing workshops, HipHop) presented their views on their artistic projects.